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воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.

Lascowiec - Frostwinds Of The Apocalypse (2012)

Band: Lascowiec
Album: Frostwinds Of The Apocalypse
Year: 2012
Country: USA
Website: Last.Fm
Genre: Atmospheric Black


1. Drowning In The Serpant's Venom 
2. When Nothing Remains 
3. Hail Of Destruction 
4. Seidhr 
5. Eternal Spirit 
6. Marching Towards Destiny 
7. Swept Away By The Frostwinds Of The Apocalypse


Leah - Of Earth & Angels (2012)

Band: Leah 
Album: Of Earth & Angels
Year: 2012
Country: Canada
Website: Facebook
Genre: Symphonic metal


1. Prisoner
2. Remember
3. Old World
4. I Fade
5. Ex Cathedra
6. Ocean
7. A Thousand Years
8. Tragedy and Magic
9. Mainland
10. Say Yes
11. Confess My Love
12. Illusion


Valborg - Nekrodepression (2012)

Band: Valborg
Album:  Nekrodepression
Year: 2012
Country: Germany
Website: Myspace
Genre: Progressive Death Metal


01. Sakrale Vernichtung
02. Ich Fresse die Alte Sommernacht
03. Zyklop
04. Tempelberg
05. Kloster
06. Kugelblitz
07. Under the Cross
08. Massaker in St. Urstein
09. Springtime Woman
10. Taufe
11. In Ekklesia
12. Opfer
